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Here's what people are saying...
Our listeners are awesome - smart, engaged, and so much fun! Play their audio submissions and reviews below + add your own voice to our audio stream for a chance to hear yourself on VO BOSS.
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This episode with Jessica Blue gave me a whole new appreciation for dubbing. Watching the film, matching your words to theirs, and giving an acting performance all at once?! I really didn't know much about dubbing, so hearing all that goes into it, I realized it requires a whole new type of training on top of voiceover training.
Hey Anne,
I enjoy the Boss podcasts so helpful and informative. Always something new to learn and think about.
Hi Anne and Lau, Thanks for the great workshop/competition! I learned a lot, and I look forward to watching it again and writing down the excellent advice.
Just reaching out to say how much I enjoyed the audition demolition. It exceeded all expectations. Learned a lot, though I was surprised at how nervous I was! Looking forward to the next one.
I'm writing to you today to let you know how much your podcast has educated and inspired me, and how appreciative I am of you taking the time to make this resource so accessible! I have learned so much more about so many facets of this business thanks to you, Lau, and all of the guests you have had, and I wanted to thank you personally!
Hey, Anne! Thank you so much for all you've done over the years. I reached out to you very early in my career and spoke with you a couple of times and you've always been a super nice - a super great person and I really appreciate the business perspective. We can listen to interview after interview, but to hear really good business knowledge, specifically geared to voice over has been a huge help to me. It inspired me to to move into doing some podcasting to help newer people. And I'm always referring them to you guys, Thanks to you and Lau I really love what you're doing and think you guys are in a great place. Thanks so much. Please keep up the good work.
Thank you for for hosting and producing the VO Demolition event. I throughly enjoyed and appreciated the format-- combining a review of an audition with the element of competition and the vulnerability of putting it all out there for everyone to see makes it not only entertaining but incredibly educational (as long as one has a growth mindset). The tangible feedback you provided is valuable as voiceover often feels like reading/screaming/performing into the void, so it's fantastic to have some real things to focus on coming out of the experience.
"Thank you Anne and Lau, this was a great session!"
"THANKS, ANNE & LAU!!! Nice nuggets in this webinar!! I’m shooting to try next time, and maybe get a car!"
"This was absolutely FABULOUS! THANK YOU ANNE AND LAU!"
"This was really enlightening. Can’t wait to do another one of these."
"Thank you for a wonderful experience! Always a great growth opportunity and appreciate your time putting this together."
"So interesting and helpful. Thanks to everyone!"
"This was incredible! Thank you guys."
"Thanks so much for the precise feedback and for hosting a great event today."
"Thank you so much! I really enjoyed the event today and am so humbled to have taken a win. I also took a bunch of notes to help me improve even more. Thanks again!"
"Yesterday was really informative and helpful. I went thru the feedback that you and Lau left me and I have so many questions. Not just about the audition, but about some of your observations about my voice. (I promise, I'm not asking those questions here). I will continue to participate in the Audition Demolition, as I think it's really helpful."
"I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for your feedback from the VO Peeps Audition Demolition. I really got a lot out of the session and hope to participate in the next one! Anyway, thank you so much for all your help and hope to work with you again soon..."
"Saturday's event was a success; one would have thought you were doing the Audition Demolition for a long time! It was an incredible experience for everyone who attended it. Anytime that a voiceover talent can receive feedback on his/her work is educational and so worthwhile. It is even better if that feedback is from a trusted source. You said it best in your feedback email, "We encourage you to use this feedback to continue improving and growing in your voiceover career." Anne, I have participated in a number of your webinars; used your throat spray too; commented on your social media posts; and read and listened to your posts! Every time I come away with another piece of valuable advice. Thank you for the many ways that you give back to the VO Community!"
Hi, just wanted to reach out and let you know I am a huge fan!! I have started my own venture into the world of voice-over and started listening to your podcast several weeks ago. Your direct insight into the voice-over world is amazing and resourceful. Keep rocking it!!
This was such a great episode. Truly thought provoking and I was surprised to hear the answer pop into my head. The added bonus to this series is the rapport that Anne and lau have. It's like sitting and having a coffee with them.
I'm reaching out to let you know how much I appreciate your work with your podcast! I LOVE IT!!! So insightful. Full of incredible gems of information. I listen to your podcasts when I run at the gym. Thank you for what you do!
Anne thank you so much for your formidable contribution to the VO industry. The energy between you and Pilar Uribe is just phenomenal, Love your podcast. All the best Anne. Cheers!
VO BOSS is a must-listen for voiceover artists at any level in their career. Anne not only packs a ton of great information into every episode, she’s also incredibly likable and entertaining. I highly recommend you check out this totally binge-worthy podcast!
Thanks for having one of the best podcasts for the VO community. Anne Ganguzza, you are an educator, motivator, talented creator and just a very nice person. You have been very generous with the knowledge you and your guests have shared. I wish you continued success and a pile of endless checks. After all, Boss lady gotta get paid!!!!
I just wanted to thank you again for all your generosity and for providing such insightful resources and knowledge to the VO community. Your podcast is absolutely one of my favorites. I listen to it all the time. I loved your series with Tim Tippets (TONS of great technical tips there), your series on AI (so relevant to the current landscape), and your series with Kesha Monk!!! Thanks again Anne!
Anne, your podcast have been a tremendous help in educating me on the steps I need to take to grow my business and navigate the world of VO!! It boosts my self-confidence and drive, and look forward to your podcast every week!
Someone pointed me in the direction of your AI series for your podcast and I have to tell you, I am fascinated. I truly had no interest in learning about it, not so much from a career standpoint but more from an "oh my gosh this is overwhelming" standpoint. You have made it easy and I appreciate it! You have actually made it into a very interesting topic for me and I look forward to getting through all of your sessions! Thank you for your hard work and for sharing it with the rest of us.
Just wanted to thank you for your extraordinary AI podcast series which I’ve just finished consuming in a marathon session. While there have been many one-off webinars, podcasts and forums on AI, no-one has discussed the subject in such depth! Your series has raised many crucial issues, so thank you again and good luck for the future (both real and virtual)!
Anne! I finally started listening to your VO Boss podcast (I know, late to the game!) and I want to thank you so much for your episode with Laya Hoffman about a Modern Mindset, specifically #2.
I have been avoiding a lot of VO forums and chat groups simply because where I'm at in my personal and spiritual journey (addressing abundance mind-set, practicing gratitude, and generally looking at the shadow and how it manifests as unhelpful patterns in my life) just has not seemed to be in the vocabulary of the majority of VO talent that I see online.
Thank you for discussing how those things are SO important when addressing our success as actors...and really, as people! Coming to the booth with gratitude and an expanded spirit of receiving are huge and even though I know this, I STILL don't do it consistently. Your podcast was a big reminder and wake up call. Thanks again
"...Thank you very much for always putting such insightful content out there in these tasty, bite sized chunks!"
“Just listened to your latest episode on how to handle those down times as an entrepreneur. My husband overheard it and said, 'Now THAT is great podcast! What a helpful topic!' I couldn't have agreed more!”
"Thanks for this episode! It's right on time for me, and some good reminders."
“Fab episode and some great tips on finding your niche (as an Aussie, I'm a 'neesh' kinda gal ?)”
“This was an especially awesome episode! The wisdom just keeps coming...thank you for these!”
“Loved this podcast! Learned so much in under :30!”
“This is a really great podcast. I've been bingeing on it!”
“@vo_boss You ladies ROCK! Love your podcast.”
“Hi Anne! I just wanted to let you know that I started to listen to your new podcast and am really enjoying it. Thank you so much for doing it and being such a great industry resource.”
“Loving the podcasts. Learning a lot as a newbie just getting started with research and creating a demo. Thanks for all your work!”
“I just discovered your VO BOSS podcast and I'm obsessed! Thank you so much for doing this!”
“I look forward to listening to your podcast every Wednesday morning on my way to work! You guys are so fun to listen to and I learn so much! Thank you!!”
“I just wanted to say THANK YOU so much for making the VO BOSS podcast! It is my LIFE right now. I seriously appreciate it so much. Y'all take me home from my day job every day and help me stay focused on my goals...."
“I am so loving your podcasts!! Where have you been my whole life!! Lol!! Thank you for all of your amazing work. You are inspiring me every day!!!”
“If you only do one thing for your VO career today, listen to the latest #VOBOSS podcast about how to market your demo! Best 20 minutes you’ll spend all week.”
“In this current Voiceover climate, opportunities and auditions don't come as easily anymore... You have to actively seek out opportunities and get in front of decision-makers. Easier said than done. Enter in the creative VO Boss team. Within weeks of enacting a strategic VO BOSS Blast (the VO Bosses send the blast out for you! Seriously, what could be easier?) Glow Girls Kid Voiceover more than DOUBLED our ROI. Bottom line: the VO Boss Blast saved us time and made us money.”
“Love this episode. I believe you get the question on being too old for voiceovers a lot. Many over 50 are looking into creative second careers. Unfortunately, many of those same folks have been moved out of jobs or careers and made to feel if you're over 50 you're not much use in business anymore. Your episode encourages those of age, who are full of creativity and knowledge, to bring those skills and expertise to the voiceover world. Age is just a number because creativity is ageless; it's all in the attitude! Thanks again.
“Many kudos, you gals are the best team, I almost call you both the suffragettes of voiceover, you are out there on the front lines, and keeping us informed in this ever changing world of voiceovers.”
“Those of you who know me, know I struggle with ADHD, so this most recent episode of VO Boss was super useful for me! Check it out now for awesome advice on Time Management!"
“I listened last night on YouTube. Short and packed w info. Anyone new to voice over should check it out.”
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